California’s Essential Workers and Their Housing Needs

Californians working in frontline essential jobs are risking their lives and their families’ lives to keep California fed, housed, and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Frontline essential workers have no choice but to show up to work while others shelter in place and work from home. Compounding the health risks, low wage frontline essential workers—many of whom are Black and Latinx—also face housing insecurity and overcrowding.

UnidosUS conducted the below research on essential workers and their housing needs and California’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program to identify who California’s frontline essential workers are, where they live, what housing challenges they face, and how the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program might better address their needs.

California’s Essential Workers and Their Housing Needs (March 2021 Report) - Factsheet

California’s Essential Workers and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (March 2021 Report) - Factsheet


LISC San Diego Black Homebuyers Program


Eastside LEADS Coalition