Working together to end California’s housing crisis.

Who We Are

A collection of diverse community organizations from across California, brought together by our common need to address housing challenges in our communities.


The Problem

California's extreme housing shortage has created an affordability crisis—leaving far too many residents struggling to pay rents they can’t afford, trapped into long commutes, and priced out of homeownership completely. Solving the crisis will require building enough housing for all, especially smaller, lower-cost, multi-family homes located near jobs, transit, and good schools.


Our Mission

Together we are working to discuss, design, and advocate on behalf of housing solutions that address the needs of all Californians, particularly historically underserved populations.


Interested in Getting Involved?

By supporting our set of shared goals—along with efforts to expand critical affordable housing developments, help those most at risk of homelessness find and keep housing, and protect tenants from direct displacement—we can help end California’s housing crisis.